Nicetas of Chalcedon

Saint Nicetas the Confessor,[1] commemorated on 28 May, was the bishop of Chalcedon (in Bithynia). References to St. Nicetas have been found in old manuscripts originating from the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, and in menaia from the Orthodox Patriarchates of Serbia and Russia.

A church, first constructed in 18th century, was dedicated to him on the Greek island of Lefkas. According his Canon, written by the Constantinopolitan Hieromonk, Saint Joseph the Hymnographer,[2] Saint Nicetas' life could be described as ascetic, God–pleasing, and full of charity. He courageously opposed the iconoclastic heresy, and was exiled as a result. According the Russian and Serbian “Synaxars” he suffered at the beginning of 9th century, during the reign of Leo V the Armenian in Byzantium.[3]


  1. ^ In the Orthodox Church, a "Confessor" is one who has suffered for the faith, but not endured martyrdom.
  2. ^
  3. ^ *For more details see: Perdikaris A.G. “Nicetas the confessor, bishop of Chalcedon” in Domus Byzantinus, vol.14, p.131-9 (2004-5)

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